1st Birthday Party Ideas...

Okay, my baby girl has her first birthday coming up and I wanted to throw her a great birthday party. I have a couple of months to plan and there's so much to do. The first major thing I'm trying to narrow down is a location for the party. I know... that's pretty major. I mean, where do you have a 1 year old's birthday party. Since her birthday is in April having an outside party is kinda iffy. I would love to have her party outside but the weather is just too unpredictable. Anyhow, I've been on the net and have been coming up on some great ideas. Check out some inspirational photos I've found...

I'm definitely doing the poofs seen in these photos. Don't you just love the grouping of them in the baby's room in the corner of the room. That's a fantastic idea for what to do with them after the party is over. Surprisingly, the poofs are actually pretty simple to make. You can find the tutorial on Martha Stewart's website. I think I better start now on them so I can get a lot made before her birthday.

I found the photo below on JL Designs Blog. The photos of this birthday party are amazing. I so want a banner like this for my little girl although I don't know where it came from. It seems like a pretty easy (or at least moderately easy) diy project.

Seems like I could buy an inexpensive flat sheet in a pastel pink and stencil a design and the lettering or maybe even do an iron on transfer. What do you think? If you have any idea of who makes something like this please let me know.

Now, the biggest attraction at a party is the cake. Since these will be little ones at the party I didn't want to deal with cutting a large cake so I figured, let me serve cupcakes. Perfect... until I laid my eyes on this...
Cupcakes in a jar. What a fantastic idea! I'm totally using this idea. You can find the how-to details here for this dilectable treat. Isn't this just perfect? Individualized perfectly portioned treats you can eat with a fork or spoon. No floppy plate to deal with ...how wonderful. I'll probably go with a different color and ribbon for it. I actually thought of putting a scoop of ice cream as the last layer and refrigerating them. I'm still thinking about this one.

My next item/idea I'll probably do is make party favors like these...

 I found a template on making the popcorn boxes. There are a lot out there large and small and I found a size somewhere in the middle that I feel will work for what I want to do. I plan to wrap mine similar to those shown in the photo above. I will fill them with candy and tissue paper for fluff. ;)

Here's something that could greet the guests... wreaths

I thought these were cute easy to do diy projects. I haven't settled my mind on doing this though. Here's the tutorial in case you want to know.
I thought this was a cute idea to display my baby's photos from birth through her first year.
I probably will do something different. Maybe make it more linear from left to right so that they can line the wall like in a museum. I do plan to do this but have not solidified my plan as to what it will look like. :)

Okay, I'd been wanting to get a beverage dispenser for a while just for when me and my husband to use for entertaining. Planning for this party has made me put some urgency in my quest for one. During my search I found what I thought was perfect! Aren't they beautiful...
Until I saw the price tag. $169!!! for the small one at that which only holds 1.5 gallons. I'm thinking, are they crazy?!?! This particular item is called the Marseille beverage dispenser and is pretty hard to find. I'll just dream about this one because I can't see myself paying this much for something that will get limited use. So I continued my search and found this beverage dispenser...

Footed Glass Beverage Jar with Stainless Steel Lid and Base
I really like it but I don't LOVE it the way I love the Marseille beverage dispenser. (I wish they would put it on sale just for me. *sigh*) I'm growing to love it. Plus, I think it gives just the amount of classiness that I was looking for. Thankfully, it's on sale at surlatable.com for only $39.99!!! Thank you Lord! :)

Okay, one more thing... I've decided that I want my baby girl to wear a tutu for her birthday party. Instead of buying one I'm going to buy some tulle and ribbon and make one for her. Here's some inspiration I'm pulling from...

Anyhow, here's the rest of the inspiring photos I found online...


Nashville area singer, actress, model and DIYer. I have a love for music and the arts. I'm also a bit of a math/computer geek. I've always thought of myself as being artistic and have grown to love interior decorating. ... I like to draw, paint, create unique things, give life to old things and learn more in the world of design. I also enjoy spending time with my family, playing sports, hanging out with friends, and working on my health and fitness.

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  1. Hi Nina!

    Great blog. I love your birthday planning ideas and am going to use some. Thank you!

  2. Where do you have the first flower photo from? It's different than the pom pom flowers. I think they are very pretty and would like to know how to make them.

    Regards, Anastasia

    1. The site I found this photo on did not have a tutorial on how to make them. It was amongst a group of photo ideas as I have here. I imagine to make these would take the same method as in making the pom poms but with fewer, smaller pieces of tissue paper, using the rope as the tie.

  3. Thanks Nina for sharing your ideas. I am also planning to do something unique for my daughter’s first birthday. I have decided to throw a pretty princess party to have a royal celebration. I ordered the party supplies from mybirthdaysupplies.com. They just arrived yesterday. The tiaras are looking really good. You must try them.

  4. Love these ideas! I am totally gonna take some of your ideas:)

  5. Hi Nina,

    I love these birthday ideas!!! Btw, I also want to create a tutu for my sister's baby girl on her birthday party. Can you give me some tips on how to create it?

    Any response will be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you

    1. Sure! I actually created a tutu for my 1st born's 1st birthday. I blogged my "how-to" here, http://diyprojectsbynina.blogspot.com/2011/02/diy-tulle-tutu.html. Go check it out and let me know if you have any questions. I just finished another one a few days ago using random scrap ribbon and am in the process of trying to put together that blog posting (I have to take some pics). :)

    2. Hi Nina,

      Thanks for the quick response! I just finished reading and browsing photos from how-to site of your own created tutu :-) I say you are very creative! Appreciate all the help. I will make one and let you know when I successfully made one. Might as well share some photos of my own made version of tutu! :-)

  6. Hi, I am planning for my Baby's first birthday on June 21, which turns out to be my birthday too. I loved your tips and am planning make pom poms and other stuff to cut down the cost as well as to make this party a memory. Loved your page and would love to hear more tips.Thanx

  7. Hey these first birthday party ideas are fantastic. I also have to make arrangements for my mom’s birthday bash. I will host surprise party for her at the local event venues Chicago. Will surely be using some of these inspirations.


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